Final Sequence - Reservation

Hellooo Hellooo Hellooo!

Welcome to our group blog!

It's gunna be as live as a socket, as fast as a rocket, so don't mock it...

Feel free to mock our rapping though...

I'm Jack, I'm Kris and I'm Shaun and to the right is a picture of us on a team-bonding session! ---------->

So ya, this is our blog, take a look around! Our final sequence video is above ^ !

As our friend Tony the Tiger says, it's gunna be 'grrrrrrrreat!'. In the words of Obama and Bob the builder (?!) 'Can we do it? Yes we can!' Ok, lets do it.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Shot List

Scene 1 - Victim waking up and struggling (try from different angles)
- ECU victims eyes
- BCU victims eyes and nose
- CU victims face
- MCU victims head and neck
- MCU victims head and neck (from behind)
- MS victim struggling
- MS HA victim struggling (behind over shoulder)
- MS LA victim struggling (behind over shoulder)
- MLS victim struggling
- LS LA 360 arc victim struggling
- LS 360 arc victim struggling
- LS HA 360 arc victim struggling
- LS victim struggling
- LS HA victim struggling
- LS LA victim struggling
- VLS crab victim struggling
- VLS crab victim struggling (from behind)
- CU victims left hand chained
- CU victims right hand chained
- CU victims waist chained (padlock)
- CU victims feet chained (metal tray)
- CU tilt or crane up from feet to shoulders and head
- Steady zoom out from CU face to LS victim struggling (could tilt to one side slowly)
- Crash zoom in from LS victim struggling to CU face

Scene 2 - Killers entrance
- POV handheld track of killer entering basement to victim
- Track following killer entering basement to victim (over shoulder)
- CU of killers feet walking down stairs
- CU of killers last step onto puddle
- CU of killers feet walking on level ground
- POV LS killer spying on victim through gap in shelves (not showing victims face)
- OTS LS killer spying on victim through gap in shelves (not showing victims face)
- LS killers shadow on wall (walks towards then turns right)
- MS killers shadow on wall (walks past)
- LA VLS killer walking past camera, looking around corner to victim (fully blacks out screen for split second)
- VLS killer walking past camera, looking around corner to victim (fully blacks out screen for split second)
- CU killers nose, mouth and neck as he zips up his jacket or zips down his jacket slightly
- CU killers fingers tapping against sides
- CU killer stretching out hand or cracking knuckles

Scene 3 - Killer/Victim conversation
- POV LS light flash with nothing in room ahead (from victims POV)
- POV LS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MLS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MS light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- POV MCU light flash revealing killer (from victims POV)
- HA OTS LS killer walking towards victim
- LA LS killer walking towards victim (from bottom left)
- LS mastershot of conversation (side on)
- MS OTS victims whole conversation (over killers left shoulder)
- MS OTS killers whole conversation (over victims right shoulder)
- CU killer chosing weapon and picking it up
- Quick pan down from victims face to weapons
- Handheld shot following killers weapon towards victims gag
- MLS Crab behind victim as killer speaks
- MLS OTS HA killer speaking (so weapons can be seen behind on ground)
- MS killer putting victim to sleep (side on)
- CU victims face falling to sleep
- ECU victism eyes falling to sleep
- POV room going blurry (from victims POV & going out of focus)
- LS of victim asleep and killer walking away

Scene 4 - Killers exit
- POV handheld track of killer exiting basement
- Track following killer exiting basement (over shoulder)
- MLS other victim chained to wall
- MCU other victim moaning
- CU bloody hand on door pane as lights go out

Cutaway Shots
- CU drainpipe dripping water onto puddle
- CU pipes near ceiling
- CU lights flickering
- MS blurry lights shimmering (out of focus)
- CU saw swinging from side to side hung up on peg
- CU sinister object on shelf
- CU scattered paper
- CU weapons lined up on ground
