Final Sequence - Reservation

Hellooo Hellooo Hellooo!

Welcome to our group blog!

It's gunna be as live as a socket, as fast as a rocket, so don't mock it...

Feel free to mock our rapping though...

I'm Jack, I'm Kris and I'm Shaun and to the right is a picture of us on a team-bonding session! ---------->

So ya, this is our blog, take a look around! Our final sequence video is above ^ !

As our friend Tony the Tiger says, it's gunna be 'grrrrrrrreat!'. In the words of Obama and Bob the builder (?!) 'Can we do it? Yes we can!' Ok, lets do it.


Monday, February 2, 2009


It is with great sadness and regret that I have to tell you all that this blog is closed. We hope you enjoyed your stay after making your Reservation. It is now, however, that you must pack up your things, checkout your keycard and leave the building preferably minus a few limbs and dripping in blood.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Storyboard - The POST-IT version!

This is our initial method of storyboarding, we used post-it notes to draw the pictures on and then move around. This made it much more flexible when we were making the storyboard. We drew all the pictures for the post-its then arranged them how we wanted. This meant we could see what shots we had and what shot types we were missing and whether we needed any cutaways in between certain shots.

Made it MUCH easier to draw out the final version of the storyboard!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Audience Screening Feedback

We took a random sample of 11 out of the 30 or so questionnaires (taking every 3).

Every sample was from 17-18 age group as they are in our year at school. About half were male and half were female, and traits did not seem to be based on gender as we expected. Common genre likes were action, thriller, comedy, horror and thriller. Someone even said slasher! These genres were shown in favourite films such as Saw, Scarface and Mean Girls.

Every single person recognised that it was an opening sequence and the title was 'Reservation', which was good from our point of view - our film was clear. Everyone also recognised from the sequence the genre, which was clearly horror with elements of thriller/slasher. About 9 out of the 11 people thought the film could be filmed at a normal cinema or multiplex with the other 2 opting for a student film festival. This tells us that our film could target a mainstream audience and be popular enough to show at a normal cinema. Most people opted for teenagers or 18-30's as the targeted audience with some adding horror enthusiasts or people that like to play violent games on the xbox/PS2. This was a pretty similar view we had for our target audience. Only 2 people mentioned that males would be interested so most people did not feel it dominated one particular gender.

The film seemed to make it obvious who the killer and victim was, and one pressed every single person was able to explain the victim was a captive and was being tortured by the killer. People described the killer as evil, insane, scarily polite, bad, mean, sadistic, murderer and psycho. Nobody described the victim so his personality can be identified as miscillaneous or "normal". Most themes identified were along the lines of fear, revenge, violence, evil and death, so that came across well.

All 11 people in the sample enjoyed the film and found it attractive to watch, with one person saying because they thought it had a clear narrative, and others saying it was tense and filmic. The favoured parts of the film were the hand at the end with the scream and Matt shouting, "I SAID BE QUIET!", which did not really suprise us - they were the most dramatic parts. People generally thought the lighting, music and location worked the best with some people suprisingly liking the flickering lights even though we were not sure about it. However, some people were not sure about the regular blackouts stemming from the flickering lights, and someone thought the acting was not up to scratch although we certainly do not agree with this. Alot of questions were asked about the random foot and then hand at the end - this made us pleased. These signified enigma codes and you were meant to be confused by them, as to continue watching the film to find out what they meant and who they belonged to (everyone commented on how they would continue to watch the film, even the people who said they did not like horror and would be terrified!) - so our film was successful in luring in its audience.

The following were the ratings given out of 10 by the 11 subjects: 10, 10, 9, 7, 8 and a half, 9, 8, 9, 10, 5, 9. On average this works out at about 8 and a half out of 10, which is not bad at all for an amateur film project. We realise some scores and comments maybe bias due to friends being present at the screening, but all in all we are very pleased with this feedback, and will take the criticisms on board in our evaluations.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Audience Screening

Today we held our audience screening in front of around 40 people. All in all I think about 35 questionnaires were filled in and the reaction was very positive. Our sequence got a big round of applause and the shocking ending made nearly everyone in the room jump - exactly what we intended!

So we are very pleased with this feedback and are soon to consolidate it all into a table from which we can base some of our evaluation findings on as evidence.


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Final Sequence! :D

The weeks and weeks worth of work have finally paid off...


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Audience Screening

Audience Screening is booked for Monday lunchtime 12:45-1:05 and is being promoted via facebook!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Our questionnaire will be designed to gain feedback to help answer evaulative questions on our piece, but will be asked in a simple non-technical-worded manner so everyone understands what they are doing. It will be average sized and to the point as all questionnaires try to be. Here are the questions we will probably ask (or along the lines of)...

About them:
What are your favourite types of film?
What was the last film you saw at the cinema/on DVD?
What type of cinema do you visit?

About the film:
Does the film make sense?
Explain what happens in the film.
Is there anything that confused you?
Was it enjoyable?
Did it look like a film/was it attractive to watch?
What was most effective/least effective?
What have you just watched? (e.g. trailer/opening sequence etc.)
What was the title?
What are the main themes? (e.g. love/revenge etc.)
What type of cinema would you expect to see the film in?
What audience is it most likely to appeal to? (age/gender/interests etc.)
Do you think it was American or British made?
Explain about the characters and what role you think they will play in the film.
Would you watch the rest of this film?
Give the film a rating out of 10 (10 being highest).

We will try to cut these questions down to 10-15 precise questions to fit onto 2 sides of A4 (to save paper obviously by making them double-sided questionnaires!)